Author: bicicasusr



    Good morning, station 44. Sant Roc is operational again after the finalisation of the renovation works of the square

  • The 500 new bicycles of the Bicicas service are now in operation!

    The 500 new bicycles of the Bicicas service are now in operation!

    Our technical team has worked hard to guarantee the launch of this renewed fleet. We want to thank you for your patience throughout the improvement process.

    We encourage you to enjoy this renewed service and to bet on Bicicas as a sustainable means of transportation. Together we will make Castellón a cleaner city.



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  • Closure of Station No. 15 Huertos Sogueros.

    Closure of Station No. 15 Huertos Sogueros.

    Saturday, December 21 – Closure from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

    Due to the intercultural market and activities taking place at Huertos Sogueros Square, Station No. 15 will be closed on Saturday, December 21, from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
    We apologize for the inconvenience.

  • nº17 Ruíz Zorrilla, new BiciCas station

    nº17 Ruíz Zorrilla, new BiciCas station

    The former station No. 17, Plaza del Real, is being relocated to 39 Ruíz de Zorrilla Street, right at the junction with Avda. Rey Don Jaime.
    Throughout the day, the new station will be connected, followed by the dismantling of the old infrastructure.

  • Commitment to sustainability

    Commitment to sustainability

    This December we are taking a big step towards more sustainable mobility with the renewal of our fleet. We will replace combustion vehicles with new electric vehicles, which will allow us to:

    • Reduce noise and environmental pollution in the city.
    • Avoid the emission of more than 15.5 million grams of CO2 per year in the operation of the service.

    With this initiative, we align ourselves with the objectives of the European Agenda, working for a better quality of life for all Castellón resident



    Check all the Bicicas news on the Bicicas website, Bicicas application and on our social networks.

    We remind all users who can consult the website, the Bicicas application and our social networks, of all the news regarding the renewal of the service.

    For any questions you can send an email to “” or call 677 412 418.

  • Bicicas launches new APP

    Bicicas launches new APP

    Bicicas launches a new APP for a renewed service.

    Bicicas makes a new (free) app available to users in its Android and IOS versions for the use of the new stations.

  • 25.CHENCHO


    Good afternoon, we inform you that the dismantling of bench 25.Chencho is scheduled for Monday, October 21. 

     Please stay tuned for future updates, and in the Bicicas app you can see the current status of your nearest station or consult our social networks. Receive a cordial greeting.